

The fee quote is an important tool you can access in your H2Online (H2O) account. It’s created to protect brokers from paying additional fees if there are overages once a loan settlement is balanced.

You can access the Loan Estimate Fees tool by clicking on the DIS menu at the top of your screen or clicking on Fees and Disclosures on the blue ladder of success. Once on the page, click the large green button that says “Fee Quote”. You’ll see a window come up with a list of different fee amounts from different lenders. You can also add additional services to the quote and sort your options.

After clicking on “Finish,” the system will import your fee quote information to your main screen. You’ll be able to modify/override fee quotes and manually change them. Note: if you change a fee, it is no longer protected. If overages occur, you’ll be responsible for paying the overage amount.
Watch this video for an on-screen walkthrough of how to use the Fee Quote tool in H2O.
